Huntington Beach Criminal Defense Attorney
Consequences of a Criminal Charge and Conviction
If you or a loved one is currently facing criminal charges of any kind, then you should not hesitate to secure the legal assistance of an experienced attorney as quickly as possible. Successful criminal convictions carry with them long-lasting and life-altering ramifications that cannot be simply shrugged off or ignored; you need to be confident that you have the support and defense you deserve to help fight them off.
If you are convicted of a crime, depending on the nature of the crime and the exact details surrounding it, you will face such consequences as extended stays in prison, steep monetary fines, restitution paid to the victim and the victim's family, suspended driver's license, community service and mandatory attendance in a drug or alcohol treatment program. Beyond these initial punishments, you will also have to live the rest of your life with the permanent blemish in your criminal record.
Importance of Consulting with an Attorney
The legal team at The Law Office of Bruce C. Bridgman understands the need for comprehensive, dynamic legal guidance and is completely devoted to ensuring that their clients never receive anything less. By utilizing the resource available to them and pursing every possible avenue of action, they are able to assist their clients in all areas of criminal defense, including DUI, strike crimes, and federal crimes. If you choose to work with an attorney from our firm, you can be confident that you will receive nothing less than the high-quality level of service that you deserve.
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