Help With Loan Mod Scams in California
Avoiding Loan Mod Scams
We have a severe problem in California recently with a growing number of foreclosures throughout not only our state, but the entire nation. With this vast increase, a very large number of unethical companies have sprouted up claiming to be able to help you with a loan modification. Many of these companies are out of state and have no experience or success in actually obtaining a modification for you. Most of them charge large up-front fees which were not refundable. If they were unable to assist you, you risked not only losing your fee, but your home. It is essential that you obtain the services of a qualified and skilled California Loan Modification lawyer from The Law Office of Bruce C. Bridgman to assess your situation and advise you on the best course of action for you.
Because of the prevalence of these loan mod scams, recent laws have been passed in California outlawing anyone from charging up-front fees for their service. This will greatly assist in preventing further dishonesty in this area, as anyone claiming to be able to help you will have to get some kind of a product for you before collecting any fee. Most of these companies, however, are not licensed attorneys with the legal resources to provide you with the choices you need to review when deciding what to do with your home. Not all homeowners qualify for a loan modification, or discover that even if they do, they can no longer really afford their home with their current financial circumstances. With Attorney Bridgman, you will be presented with all of your legal options based on your personal situation, and will be able to feel secure that if you require a legal solution such as bankruptcy, our office will be able to take care of it for you.
California Loan Modification Attorney
When faced with the difficult situation of a foreclosure, avoid going to a company that is not an attorney. In addition, it is advisable you retain an in-state company, preferably a local one, to assist you. Having a local professional to speak to in person regarding your personal financial issues is more conducive to understanding your concerns. That is why we highly recommend you contact our office, as we have 30 years of experience helping Californians with their legal issues.
If you need help with a Loan modification, Contact California Loan Modification Attorney Bruce C. Bridgman