California Loan Modifications
In California, the number of foreclosures is currently the 3rd worst in the United States, being surpassed only by Nevada and Florida, with Arizona close behind. Many of our homeowners are "underwater" on their mortgages, meaning they owe well more than their home is currently worth. In this environment, individuals are also increasingly facing unemployment, divorce, and unexpected medical bills. What can you do to protect your home? Your best option is to contact Bruce C. Bridgman, California Loan Modification attorney, to advise you on the best alternative to foreclosure.
Loan modification in California
At any time you can request a Loan Modification from your lender if you have suffered a loss of income or some other hardship. By obtaining a better loan with a lower monthly rate, a loan modification will allow you to remain in your home and avoid foreclosure.
When faced with delinquency on your mortgage payments, you will begin receiving late notices and penalties from your lender. Normally after being three or four months behind on your payments, you will receive a Notice of Default, followed within about forty days with a Foreclosure Notice. During this process, or even before becoming delinquent on your payments, you can request a Loan Modification from your lender.
Most lenders now have Loss Mitigation departments that specialize in handling the huge volume of calls they are receiving regarding loan modifications. Unfortunately for you, literally tens of thousands of people are calling these departments and most individuals get lost in the shuffle.
Lawyer for Loan Modifications
Attorney Bridgman has been assisting homeowners with their Loan Modification needs in California for over 30 years. With the large number of homeowners needing assistance, it is necessary to have an experienced and knowledgeable loan modification attorney by your side. The saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" means that the person who complains or protests the loudest attracts attention and service. With our aggressive and devoted attention to your needs, we will be the "squeaky wheel" on your behalf and get you a loan modification that will work for you.
Our office will work hard to stop any Notice of Sale on your property while we negotiate with your lender for a loan modification that will have terms you can live with. A Loan Modification allows us to negotiate on your behalf for a lower interest rate, reduction of your principal balance, waiving of delinquent and penalty fees and even a change in the length of your loan. All of these will eventually lead to obtaining a lower monthly rate for you with a better loan that will allow you to remain in your home.
We look forward to a free consultation with you regarding your personal situation. We are confident we can help you and encourage you to contact us today at The Law Office of Bruce C. Bridgman.
Contact California Loan Modification Attorney Bruce C. Bridgman to assist you in obtaining a Loan Modification.