Orange County Uncontested Divorce Attorney
Legal Guidance Through an Amicable Divorce
Divorce can be a highly complicated and complex situation that causes conflict and emotional stress on everyone involved. However, if you and your spouse are capable of cooperating with each other amicably, it does not have to be. In some situations, both spouses want to avoid the emotional and traumatic aspect of divorce in order to dissolve their marriage agreeably. In this situation, an uncontested divorce can be the right choice.
At The Law Office of Bruce C. Bridgman, our team of uncontested divorce attorneys in Orange County want to help you understand your options for uncontested divorce. We will walk you through all necessary paperwork to ensure that the process is completed with efficiency and diligence. We have over 30 years of experience practicing family law, so you can trust that our knowledge and familiarity with these uniquely difficult matters will benefit you and your family.
Is an uncontested divorce right for you?
Complications arise in divorce when two spouses struggle to cast aside the emotions and stress of the situation they are facing in order to make clear and rational decisions. The inability to cooperate makes an already difficult time even harder and can take a toll on all parties involved.
Decisions that need to be made in divorce cases include the following:
If you and your spouse are able to reach an agreement on these and other such issues on your own, you may consider filing for an uncontested divorce. This allows you to work together to have the necessary paperwork completed and filed with the courts. Through uncontested divorce, you and your spouse can avoid the trial system and get the matter handled in a quick and smooth manner.
However, there are times when even an uncontested divorce runs into difficulty. If you and your spouse are unable to reach an agreement on any one point, you might need to seek assistance from the court. In these cases, our Orange County uncontested divorce lawyers at The Law Office of Bruce C. Bridgman are prepared to be at your side to advocate on behalf of your interests.
What are the benefits of uncontested divorce?
There are several advantages to pursuing your divorce in this manner, one of which is the cost. Long, drawn-out divorces can wreak havoc on your finances, and can also further compromise the mental and emotional well-being of you and any children involved. An uncontested divorce can be much more effective and can lead to a quick and cordial resolution.
Advantages to an uncontested divorce include:
- Cost – avoiding the trial system means less time spent in a courtroom, which means less money spent on attorney's fees and other trial expenses.
- Low levels of conflict – if you and your spouse are able to collaborate, you can avoid the conflict that comes with a contested divorce and make the legal process smoother.
- Privacy – while the divorce itself will be a matter of public record, unlike in a contested divorce, the specific agreements and negotiations involved will not be.
- Control – in a divorce that goes to trial, the judge has the ultimate power of authority over the decision-making process, but that power remains with you in an uncontested divorce.
Have a Compassionate Lawyer at Your Side
No matter what your situation is, you can get the legal help you need in order to make your divorce as pain-free as possible from a uncontested divorce lawyer in Orange County. With the help of a competent attorney who has your best interests at heart throughout every aspect of your divorce, you can achieve a friendly dissolution. Even if you do have some small issues to negotiate, you can still work together to form an accord that works best for both parties and any children involved.
Contact The Law Office of Bruce C. Bridgman today to schedule your free case evaluation!